Sunday, September 11, 2011


     I am surprised at how emotional I am right now. I've been seeing pictures of the devastation on 9.11. I remember exactly where I was that day. I remember hearing the news. I remember trying to think of everyone I knew living in NYC. I remember hoping and wishing that everyone was okay and being thankful that my Dad was retired and that he wouldn't have to go to New York and fight the fires. I was mildly ashamed for being so selfish for having that thought.
     My 8 year old was asking me about 9.11 on Friday. They had discussed it at school that day and she wasn't sure about what exactly happened that day. We were driving and I was trying to describe the events of that day. Keeping in mind that she is only 8 and that her Dad has to travel to Chicago a few times a year for work, I tried to keep it child friendly. My breath caught in my throat and realized that there is no way that I could possibly put a child friendly spin on anything that happened that day. Children were murdered that day. Children were robbed of their parents that day. Unborn children never met their fathers because they were murdered on that day. Americans were murdered for being American. For being born in this country or choosing to come here and become American. Ten years later and I still can't wrap my head around that.
     We should remember to hug, kiss and tell our loved ones we love them everyday. Today we should send our love to the heroes of that day. To the innocent Americans going about their everyday business. To the first responders who rushed in while others were rushing out. To the dead and sick and broken. To each other.

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