Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I just got home from my post op appointment. It has been a week and 5 days since the surgery. I was really getting annoyed with the dressings. The incisions were closed up with stitches, glue and surgi strips. The incisions were made in an anchor formation. (If you have read any previous posts, you may have seen the short video I posted. The technique used in that video is the same as my surgeon used.) The dressings on the underside of each breast was becoming annoyingly itchy. I couldn't wait to have my doctor remove them and then I could really get a good view of how I thought they would ultimately look.

The removal of the dressings was a relief but also a bit painful. My doctor told me that they looked great and that over time they would drop a bit, fill in and look beautiful and natural. Also, I have very cystic breasts and I can't feel any of the usual bumps and lumps. My doctor agreed that, yes, I do indeed have very cystic breasts and the best thing to do is just continue doing what I normally do to keep an eye on them. We put some gauze on the incisions as they may ooze a little and that is completely normal. I put my surgical bra back on and scheduled my next appointment. I didn't look at them in the office because I wanted to work my way through the maze of the hospital and get home  as the hospital is just about an hour away.

When I got home I was able to take a good look at them, my husband as well. They look weird. The nipples look fake and the skin there is super dry. There was more cutting up along the sides of each breast than I had anticipated. My husband said they look fake, like someone stuck them on my chest and they do. I am very intrigued to see how much the scars actually do fade and how they will look in a few weeks time.

So for now I am still forbidden to lift any heavy objects and I must take it easy. No yoga until at least 6 weeks post op. I can do some walking either outdoors or on the treadmill but absolutely no running. Considering how sore they are I am totally fine with these restrictions.  I am so impatient, I want everything done yesterday, so this has been really difficult for me because I just want to be done convalescing. However, I am very happy that I decided to take three weeks off. I am going to to take it very easy for the rest of this week and then hopefully by Sunday I will be doing some kind of fitness routine. Also, Monday (February 13th) is my birthday and I plan on eating a big delicious meal and enjoying cake.

My next appointment with the good doctor is March 7th. If I note anything interesting/painful/weird/amazing about them I will most definitely post something but for now we will assume that no news is good news!

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