Thursday, January 17, 2013

     January globbin' 17th. I cannot believe that it is already half way through January.There has been so much that happened in the last few weeks, so much more to come in the next! Christmas came and went, quietly and uneventfully. New Years Eve, much of the same. I started back at yoga and dusted the off the old treadmill. I have races coming up and bikinis I want to wear. Getting into better shape was part of making 2013 an awesome year. I got sick last week and thought that maybe, just maybe, I was going to die. A bit dramatic, I know, but I felt like warmed over crap sandwiches. Migraine, inner ear infection, sinus infection, all took a hold of my head and assaulted it with the strength of 100 army's. I was miserable.
     Currently on the mend, I am looking forward to some momentous occasions. First, the one year (!!!!) anniversary of the new "Lady Friends" is quickly approaching and I was thinking of throwing myself a little party. I love parties, I love baking, I love celebrating ME, so why not combine the three and have a little Boobaversary Party. This is all in preparation for the bigger 36th BIRTHDAY. I am planning on making 36 BRILLIANT. This is the year where I run races, improve myself both psychically and emotionally. Where I wean myself from the teet that is Facebook, only to replace it with this blog, my twitter (, and hey, did you guys know about my tumblr ( I am planning on working HARD this year, both personally and professionally. I want to practice what I preach, spread kindness, but also stop letting people take advantage of my (mostly/sometimes) good nature. I want to spend time with the people I truly love, get the dog's weight down to a healthier number for her. Learn something new, make beautiful things, sing beautiful songs, spend quality time with the kids, and hopefully save for an amazing vacation.
     I hope to inspire you all. I hope to entertain and teach. I hope to bring the tiniest bit of beauty into the lives of each and every person around me. Have no fear, this is certainly not going to turn into some earthy crunchy spiritual crafty bullshit "I am Mommy, Hear Me Roar" blog (I can't stand that shit.) I'm not that girl. Big things are happening, and if we allow them to blossom, they can be beautiful. Sit tight, friends, the new year is only just beginning. xo