Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School (not the one with Rodney Dangerfield)

So now that it is official and I have both kids in school all day (Hallelujahs!!) and I only work two days a week, I am thinking of what I can do to fill the free time I will have that doesn't (unfortunately) involve shopping. I've compiled a list of things that need/should/must be done as well of the things that will actually be done.

*clean daily
*laundry daily
*walk the dog daily
*finish painting upstairs hallway
*paint trim in living room and upstairs
*yard work now that the weather will be getting cooler
*grocery shopping and preparing healthy meals
*reorganizing/discarding kids toys
*regular dump trips
*more volunteering in the kids classrooms
*find inexpensive but nice bathroom vanity
*reorganize kitchen cabinets
*clear out clutter
*create a budget
*put up better shelving in breezeway

*watch reruns of Supernatural
*stalk my favorite celebs on the interwebs
*bitch about cleaning and then not do it
*put clutter in bags and swear to get to it...eventually
*let the dog out to pee
*make a list of the things I will do when I win the lottery
*fill up my Zappos cart with shoes I can't afford and then delete them
*drink too much coffee
*think about hiring a painter but never do
*photoshop my head onto Salma Hayek's body
*daydream about these shoes in particular...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Post #1

Instead of trying to come up with some witty title and even wittier posting, I have decided to just introduce myself. My name is Tracey and I am a 34 year old mother of two. I do hair in Cambridge and I have a pretty awesome husband. We live in the suburbs and have a LOT of pets. I'm not perfect, neither is my life, and I'm totally okay with that. 
I've set this blog up with the intention to start writing again. I hope to make you guys laugh. There probably won't be a ton of serious stuff up here because there is already too much of that going on around us anyway. I swear like a sailor and I am passionate and sometimes when those two things get together they make one hell of an opinionated foul mouthed baby. Thanks for coming by and try not to be offended.